

On October 23rd, a Sunny autumn day, KIA visited FD Komaki, where Emergency drills, such as smoky room, fire extinguisher, and several types of earthquakes were practiced and experienced. Later, they worked on “My Timeline,” imaging surviving a big earthquake.
In the afternoon, at Sousuikan in Komakiyama, detailed instruction of Japanese tea ceremony was given. After having a piece of Japanese sweet, all took a few sips of maccha.
Some enjoyed walking in Komakiyama, some took pictures of beauty of the season.

El domingo 23 de octubre, realizamos un simulacro de prevención de desastres de KIA
y la experiencia del famoso té matcha.
En el Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Komaki, experimentamos como usar los extintores de incendios, huvo experiencia con el humo para simular incendios y tambien vehículos sísmicos para simular terremostos y para finalizar se creo el My Timeline.
En el Sodōkan en Komakiyama, Soe Asahi y sus discípulos nos enseñaron cómo beber matcha.


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